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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Live From Leadville

Updates from Caitlin Weber, live in Leadville-

-9:09am Eastern
Hello to all from Leadville Colorado!! This is Caitlin and I'll be updating you as frequently as possible as i Can on my dad's progress today. It's been an exciting morning! my dad started about thirty mins ago:) I am now off to watch him descend the big bad powerline! thanks for all of your support-- he couldn't do it without you!

Hello team!! Saw my dad about 13 minutes ago. I am heading to the first aid station. He shouldbe there in about 45 minutes:) He is doing extremely well!

Wohoo! Go team Weber! my dad came through the rest stop about ten minutes ago. He is going just faster than his goal time :) He now is about to ascent the big Columbine climb! I am very proud of him.

Wohoo! my dad rolled up to our pit stop about 8 minutes ago. He arrived with John Hartman as well!! I am very proud of him. He is over half way. He is worried about cramping but hopes to continue doing well:)

Hello all! This is Tim now. Hope the mass texts weren't too obnoxious. Just want to say thanks for all the support -- I had an absolutly amazing day start to finish! I will look forward to giving you details once I return home. Today's race is being made into a movie that will be shown on Novmber 4th, FYI. Again, thanks to everyone today. I could really feel the support.

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